Streambank Stabilization Project

Streambank Update - October 1, 2024
Streambank Newly Planted Tree Watering Schedule: 2 to 3 times per week during the month of October, Atrium will be out watering our newly planted trees along our streambanks in the early morning typically beginning around 7:30 a.m.
Streambank Update - September 12, 2024
Atrium Landscaping will be onsite along our stream banks from September 11th – 13th, replacing trees and shrubs that didn’t survive the initial round of planting. The trees and shrubs that are being replaced are under warranty and free of charge to the City. Watering of the newly planted trees and shrubs will occur periodically over the next two weeks.
Streambank Update - September 18, 2023
This week, staging will begin for the layout of the plantings of the trees and shrubs along the streambanks with plantings to begin as early as Thursday (September 21st). Plantings will be adjusted as needed along the way to accommodate residents' concerns.
Streambank Update - August 25, 2023
As the Spring Road Tributary Project progressed, it was evident that additional supplemental planting would be needed to create a natural fence in front of the streambank that most residents became accustomed to viewing. Additional funds were set aside during the 2023/2024 Budget Hearings to accomplish this goal. On August 19, 2023, the City hosted a Town Hall meeting where Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) presented the renderings of the Streambank Supplemental Tree and Shrub Planting Project. Once approved, the goal is to complete the project before the winter of 2023, which would complete and enhance the Streambank Stabilization Project.
Supplemental Landscaping Documents
Streambank Update - August 7, 2023
The City is hosting a Streambank Project Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, August 19 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers, 17W261 Butterfield Road. The purpose of the meeting is to update residents on the landscape plan for the Streambank Stabilization Project.
953 Trees and Shrubs are proposed for installation (78 trees, and the remainder are shrubs). Native seeding will be planted along the banks for proper vegetation growth, and some areas will receive additional rip rap where deemed necessary.
Streambank Update - July 18, 2023
The maintenance portion of the stream bank project has begun and will continue throughout each of the growing seasons for the next decade. The maintenance portion of the stream bank project manages invasive / non-native vegetation along the project corridor. Maintenance visits may include weeding, herbicide treatment, trimming and brush cutting as needed to prevent seed development of invasive species.
Streambank Update - May 16, 2023
The Streambank Stabilization Project tree removal process has begun with the remaining agreed-upon tree and brush removals. Due to the potential dangers that exist during this part of the project, the walking path will have to be shut down until this portion of the project is completed, which is expected to be by the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
Streambank Update - October 18, 2022
The City will hold a Streambank Project Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 11:00 a.m. Meet at City Council Chambers, 17W261 Butterfield Road, Oakbrook Terrace. This meeting is part of the phased plan discussed at the September 27th City Council meeting. We will meet at the Council Chambers and then move to Dorothy Drennon Park, located at 701 Eisenhower Rd. The focus of the meeting is to discuss the removal of marked trees that are 1 inch (dbh) or larger during a field walk.
Streambank Update - October 6, 2022
Manual removal of invasive species has started, as described in Phase 1 of the Streambank Phase Plan.
Streambank Update - October 3, 2022
The City Council received an update on the Streambank Project at the Sept. 27 Council Meeting.
Work completed to date includes:
- Hodges Road Streambank north and south
- Terrace View Park Lake outlet protection
- Kreml Park landscape wall and boulder toe installation in process - west of pedestrian bridge (Final Tree and Shrub installation - TBD)
Remaining Work Effort:
- Brush Removal (Tree Removal - TBD)
- Eisenhower to McArthur
- East of Kreml Park to Karban Road
- Karban Road to Terrace View Park Lake
- Installation of shoreline stabilization practices, seed and blanket Eisenhower to McArthur and west side of Kreml Pedestrian Bridge to Karban
- Tree and Shrub installation north of Hodges Road
- Supplemental tree and shrub replacements for residents
View Presentation (scroll to bottom)
Streambank Update - September 21, 2022
Streambank Project Update at the City Council Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 27 | 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
17W261 Butterfield Road
Oakbrook Terrace, IL
On September 27, at the Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m., the City Council will be discussing the next phases of the Streambank Stabilization Project.
Jedd Anderson, project engineer and Robert Velazquez, Owner of Semper Fi will also be in attendance. A presentation of the phased plan will be facilitated by Jedd Anderson. Please mark your calendar for this important meeting.
Streambank Update - August 23, 2022
City Administration met with Christopher Burke Engineering and the contractor, Semper Fi, on Thursday, Aug. 25, to discuss Phase 1 of the project.
Phase 1 involves manually removing the Buckthorn only. By eliminating the large equipment used to clear the streambank, Semper Fi will be removing the invasive species Buckthorn by hand. This will ensure that only the Buckthorn gets removed and no other vegetation.
A phased plan is being developed for the project which will be provided to residents as soon as it is available. There are expected to be five (5) phases for the overall project. Check back for further updates.
Streambank Meeting - August 20, 2022
Residents are invited to attend a Town Meeting on Saturday, August 20 at 10 a.m. at Dorothy Drennon Park, 701 Eisenhower Rd.
Residents are invited to attend to learn more about the Streambank Stabilization Project. Engineers and contractors will be available to answer questions.
View Project Plans and Contract Documents
The City has received the go-ahead from DuPage County Stormwater Management Team to proceed with the Streambank Stabilization Project. The project consists of stabilizing the banks along our Salt Creek tributary from Eisenhower Road (near Dorothy Drennon Park) and terminating at Hodges Road by Terrace View Park. There are several locations along the tributary where severe and moderate erosion has taken place over the years that will eventually begin to compromise property or negatively impact stream water quality if the banks are not properly stabilized.
- The stabilization of severe erosion areas to minimize further erosion of the tributary banks.
- The maintenance of culverts, drainage pipes and other structures to convey high stream flows and stormwater surges.
- To reduce non-point source pollutants from streambank erosion and instream sediment deposition that are tributary to Salt Creek.
- To enhance water quality and improve aquatic habitat to sustain or increase wildlife species inhabiting the streams.