Public Services

The City of Oakbrook Terrace Public Services Department includes both the Water Division as well as the Streets Division.
The Water Division of Public Services is responsible for providing reliable, high quality Lake Michigan drinking water to our residents and businesses. Our EPA licensed personnel make sure that our water system maintains 100% compliance with all Federal and State drinking water standards. On average, the City of Oakbrook Terrace water system safely delivers 90,000,000 gallons of water per year to its consumers with little waste. The City’s water system is still growing and currently has close to six-hundred water services.
The Streets Division of Public Services is responsible for the execution of maintenance services of the City’s streets, sidewalks, storm sewer system, signs and pavement markings, fleet of vehicles and equipment and forestry. Public Services also provides community festival support. Some of the more noteworthy services managed by the Streets Division are: brush collection, pot-hole filling, snow and ice control services, street cleaning, right of way tree planting, pruning and removal as well as maintenance of city owned parks and walking trails. The City also has a uniform mailbox code which is managed within the Streets Division.