Curb Project - Construction Notice

curb project

Update: The City’s 2022 Curb Project has been completed and all areas disturbed have been fully restored.


To:          Residents of MacArthur Drive, Orchard Place, Elm Court and Halsey Road

From:    Craig Ward, Director of Public Services

The City of Oakbrook Terrace has contracted with Davis Concrete Construction Company to construct curb & gutter street improvements as part of the 2022 Curb Replacement Project.  This project consists primarily of concrete shoulder removal and replacement with Type B-6.12 combination concrete curb & gutter.  Also included is spot pavement surface replacement and parkway landscaping behind the new curbs.  The project is scheduled to begin the week of October 10th with an anticipated completion date approximately four (4) weeks after the start of construction, depending on weather.

Construction will generally occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.  The street will be open during work; however, there may be periodic traffic interruptions.  Parking on the streets within the designated areas will be prohibited during work hours; NO PARKING signs will be posted.  Any vehicle in violation of the posted times will risk ticketing and towing at the owner’s expense.

If the concrete shoulder across your driveway entrance needs to be replaced, driveway access will be restricted for approximately 10 days to allow for construction as well as proper curing of concrete.  You will be notified 48 hours prior to construction beginning to allow ample time for accommodations to be made.

At some locations where the concrete shoulder will be replaced, sprinkler systems may be impacted.  If you have a sprinkler system, please notify the Public Services Department so they may be identified and protected as necessary.

Questions or Concerns

The City of Oakbrook Terrace is aware of the disruption and inconvenience that will be caused and appreciates your patience and cooperation during this construction project.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (630) 941-1651 ext 1 or email.