Toys for Tots Donations at City Hall

Toys for Tots

Help make this holiday season merry and bright for the young boys and girls. We will accept new, unwrapped toy donations until December 13, 2024.

Please drop toy donations to:
City of Oakbrook Terrace
City Hall
17W275 Butterfield Road
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Toy guidelines:

  1. Toys for children from infants to 12 years of age.
  2. Typically need more toys for 0-2 years old and 10-12 years old (suggestions: handheld electronics, jewelry sets, cosmetics, arts and crafts, models creative/educational and athletic equipment)
  3. Stuffed animals (please bag in a clear plastic bag before donating
  4. Gift cards should be avoided

Monetary donations: Please go to the website, click on the “Make A Donation” link, and earmark it for DuPage County, IL. Checks can be made out to Toys For Tots and mailed to:

DuPage County Toys for Tots c/o Linda Bellow
20 E. Adams Street
Villa Park, IL 60181