Streambank Maintenance Project

streambank maintenance

Streambank Maintenance and Monitoring: On Friday, June 7th, Semper Fi (contractor hired by the City) will be working alongside our pathways that meander through the residential subdivision. Their scope of work is that they will be re-seeding some areas of concern along our streambanks as well as keeping invasive species at bay.  The maintenance and monitoring portion of our completed Streambank Stabilization Project keeps our banks stabilized and makes sure that native plant growth is indeed taking hold and thriving and that invasive plant growths are removed making for an overall better habitat. There will be no disruptions to the walking paths. Users can carry on as usual as there will be no disruptions or closures. All work will be within the streambanks themselves.

The City of Oakbrook Terrace has entered into a three-year maintenance and monitoring agreement with Semper Fi to maintain the integrity of our stream banks after our successful stabilization project.