Back to School - Bus Safety

school bus safety

About 20 million schoolchildren ride a school bus every day during the school year. Whether you'll be walking your children to the bus stop in the morning or sharing the road with buses on your commute to work, now is the perfect time to review bus safety tips:

  • School safety starts at the bus stop. Share these tips with your children:
  • Arrive at the bus stop five minutes early. 
  • Stand five giant steps away from the curb.
  • Wait until the bus stops, the door opens, and the driver says it’s okay before stepping onto the bus. 
  • Be sure the bus driver can always see you, and you can see the bus driver.

Safety Reminders for Motorists:

  • Yellow lights on a school bus indicate the bus is preparing to stop. If you’re driving, slow down, stay alert, and watch out for children.
  • See the school bus stop-arm? Time to STOP. Racing past the arm puts young lives in jeopardy. 
  • The school year is beginning! That means more children will be outside waiting for the bus during certain hours. Slow down and watch for children playing and gathering near the bus stop.